Saturday, June 7, 2008

Picture Blog

A place we stopped on our Gugulethu township tour.

The same places as above.

Overlooking the winelands.

Me with a live Cheetah. Cheetahs have been my favorite animals for a long time. It was a lot of fun.

One of many expensive cars we saw in Cape Town

One of the kids we met on our tour of the township of Gugulethu

Inside of a shanty in Gugulethu

Some of the kids we worked with at the JLZwane after school program.

Some of the supplies we brought to help the JLZwane Center

A lady outside of her shanty doing laundry

Here is a penguin we saw on the same excursion we saw the seal.

Here is a picture of a couple kids on the street of Gugulethu.

Here is a picture of the Township of Gugulethu

Here is a seal we saw last week on one of our excursions

I just think it is really interesting to compare and contrast all the different things I have done and experienced. Especially since Cape Town and Gugulethu are just about 5 minutes away from each other and you go from a Porcshe to kids playing with a plastic wheel on the end of a metal rod. It is just crazy. Hope you like some of my pictures.


Rich Huelskamp said...

Hi Nate - I should look up what the weather is like there, but we have been experiencing lots of rain here. Thanks for the photos, you must of been able to pick a charger. Very good, That was a great photo with the Cheetah. I have installed Skype on my computer and we talked. That works to.

Dad said...

Hi Nate!

This is Hilary's dad.... those are great pictures! I can't even imagine petting a cheetah, probably would be the first time that a human would run a sub-30 second mile if it were chasing me!
The contrast of the areas is amazing and its hard to believe that there is still so much injustice as far as race goes still in the world!
Good luck on your class!

Hil's Dad